Saturday 28 May 2011

And the world keeps spinning

Hello little blogging friends.

The world keeps spinning, trees continue to grow and out put vital oxygen which in many cases is waisted on the human race, birds continue to fly and the ever minuscule shifting magnetic poles continue to shift.
Why state the obvious?
Why continue to think of cleaver and witty quotes to try and make myself feel better?

Because people suck!

I work in a book shop. 'Oh but that's the perfect job! Standing around reading all day and drinking cups of tea. why would you complain about this?' you may ask well bloggers i will tell you.
People are stupid. 
They are morons. 
Most of the time im surprised that they managed to roll out of bed and put on some trousers let alone get outside and somehow wander into a shop let alone mine.

An example just from today.
'Hello Sir. Are you looking for something in particular today or are you just happy browsing?' This is me obviously.
'Hi yeah. Have you got any true stories' *insert blank look on guys face whilst asking said question.
'Well what in particular were you after? We have history and biographies and travel books where people describe their experiences in different countries. Is that what your after?'
*insert more blank look* 'Well she likes true stories. Like. Stories that are true'
*insert my blank look*
'You obviously don't know what I'm talking about' and bemusing man walks out of store leaving me wondering why I even bother.

Example number 2 also from today.
'Hello, Can i help?'
'I don't think your qualified to help me!'
*me looking annoyed as I've been doing my job for 4 years and I'm dam good at it*
'Your obviously not a psychiatrist, that's the only help I need. Do you need help?'
*me with a look of disbelief* 'Most of the time' i was quite proud of that on the spur of the moment.

I can only hope that i never find someone as idiotic as these two Muppets who tried to rob some where and used marker pens to 'disguise' themselves.

Thanks for reading and hopefully i'll be in a better mood next update.


Monday 23 May 2011

Lots of lovely people and zombies

Hello Blog world.

Well after finally figuring out how to find people (even random people) I've been following people like some kind of stalker but very happy with the results like for example i find this hilarious
So funny and scarily true to life in general.

I've suddenly become very fearful of the underlying constant danger of zombie attack. Some (or all) of you may laugh but i'm serious. The US and many other countries are messing around with the melting pot of human and animal genetics. It's not something we should be messing around with. Just leave it alone. Don't go blaming me if someone knocks over a vial in some lab and Jezzabel the chimp becomes infected with zombieness and bites Bob from accounting whilst feeding her another peanut butter sandwich and hey presto an mass zombie outbreak.
And its wont look like this 

Or this

Oh no it would look like this

Oh yes my follower's this will be the look of our demise. People who are either stoned, forgot they were supposed to be acting (YES I'm talking to you guy in the yellow cap at the front) or people who have just seen the last packed to wotsits (AKA the UK version of cheetos, this comment relates to the manic guy who is over acting in comparison to everyone but in honesty hes the best out of all of them in the middle).

Dark times readers. 

On a lighter note I've been happily checking out everyone's blogs. Keep it up as your all great in your different fields and i love logging on to see that you've updated or commented (latter hasn't happened but one lives in hope).

Well time to go and eat some soup and curl up with my new book The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie which is wicked. So far its brilliant and i love the fact that the book starts in the middle of a fight. Highly recommended guys so check it out if you haven't already :D

Can't wait to start hearing from some of you soon but for now soup and rivitta will have to do.

Thursday 19 May 2011

A Sort out

Just been having a sort through my books and Graphic Novels to see if there is anything that i can bare to part with :..(

Long story short there is no way i'm getting rid (well giving to a charity shop) any of my beautiful books.

If any of you love Comics or Graphic Novels whats your ultimate favorites and what are you reading now?

At the moment im totally and utterly head over heels in love with the Grimm Fairy tales comics and the Wonderland series by Gregory Raven and Zenescope publishers. 
How Beautiful are these? I love the twisted story line of the Wonderland series and the Grimm Tales which again are drop dead GORGEOUS! Plus the graphic novels are a collection of classic and not so classic Grimm Tales in a twisted way.
This is the Grimm version of The Little Mermaid. LOVE IT!!!

Message me for recommend's and mucho love to my followers :D 
so far thats no one

Monday 16 May 2011

Okay. A new Start a new beginning


My names Rachele and this is my blog.
Sometimes i get so many weird thoughts i thought i'd try and put them down and try and make a little bit of a difference in the world by answering some questions and try and make the world just a little bit brighter.

So its late or early depending which way you look at it and I'm still up :s
I've been thinking about whether or not i want to be interviewed by someone for the local press in my town. 
I'm doing race for life in September and even though I've managed to raise a magnificent total of £0.00 and have done a total of 12 hours since January of prep work. Should probably got on and do that :s

I've just finished custom making some wicked shoes on Zazzle but whether i have the funds to buy them is a completely different matter. Gregory Raven Zenescope Wonderland shoes. Look AWESOME!

Okay im going to get to bed before i drop dead from exhaustion. 
Night blog world :D